
Rune 2 test
Rune 2 test

rune 2 test

I think the best thing I added to the deck was Hired Gun s, by acting as a pseudo-challenger for the strongest unit you can go after with Tentacles, or just use it to get a big blocker out of the way to set up your lethal push. I ended up settling on the more normalized two Jarvan IV, one Twisted Fate split after playing the deck in Aegis League last week as well. Heck, I even managed to level Twisted Fate twice! After 54 games in a night, I found myself firmly placed in Diamond 3 and was very much enjoying the deck.

Rune 2 test Patch#

On patch day I climbed to Diamond with a 4 champ version – I ran three Illaoi, and one-ofs of Twisted Fate, Garen, & Jarvan IV. This was the first deck I really put some time into this season. O, great Nagakabouros, will you forgive me my grave error?!

rune 2 test

Illaoi J4 TF sports a 56.5% WR at the time of writing. Initially, I underestimated the strength of Illaoi and her Tentacle s. Personally, I really enjoyed piloting Illaoi J4 TF and will continue pursuing the deck. Pantheon Yuumi is also a horrendous foe, as they are more efficient at growing big units through their Fated keyword. On the other side of the coin, like many Demacia decks, we struggle against removal-heavy archetypes like Ezreal Caitlyn.

rune 2 test

We also beat the frick out of Lissandra Taliyah (aka Thralls) and Nautilus Maokai (aka Deep) thanks to our big Tentacle s accelerating the game. This is the reason why we are extremely well-positioned against Annie Jhin (68% WR). But those two Demacia cards prevent us from getting overrun by aggro decks like Annie Jhin. Usually, our baby Tentacle s are quite vulnerable in the early stages. Petricite Broadwing and Brightsteel Protector is exactly the early game we need to get going. This way the Illaoi sees the Tentacle strike before her and might level her up! In my opinion, we have enough Spawn mechanics to keep Illaoi in hand even without a supporting card.Īnother useful tip I found is that while attacking, you should always place your Tentacle left of Illaoi. The first thing I noticed is that we almost always want Watchful Idol and Illaoi in hand. The Spawn mechanic is quickly learned though. When testing this deck, I was utterly blind about how Illaoi worked.

Rune 2 test